Sculptra Aesthetic

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Sculptra Aesthetic

Sculptra Aesthetic stimulates collagen growth which helps to restore facial volume and the look of fullness to wrinkles and folds over time.

As a poly-L-lactic acid (PLLA) collagen stimulator, Sculptra Aesthetic is different. It works with your body within the deep dermis to help revitalize collagen production and help restore your skin’s inner structure and volume.1-3 As the Sculptra Aesthetic PLLA microparticles are absorbed, they help stimulate collagen production. Rebuilt collagen strands begin gradually helping to restore facial volume4 and the look of fullness to wrinkles and folds.

The number of injection appointments and the number of injections per appointment vary from person to person, depending on how much collagen has been lost.
Results appear gradually over the treatment regimen (typically two to three injections over the course of three to four months) and can last up to two years.

If you want to appear more youthful-looking — without appearing like you’ve had work done — then chances are Sculptra Aesthetic may be a good choice for you.

Sculptra Aesthetic Before and After

* Photos courtesy of Sculptra Aesthetic. Results may vary for each patient.


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